If staff or parent wants to withdraw the child after registration and with status: Registered Payment Completed, here is the procedure:
Go to Child Management then Children Master List
Select the child that needs to be withdrawn
In the Child Profile click on Cancel Registration
The Cancel Registration pop up will appear
Click Next to proceed
Provide the reason for the cancellation and click Proceed to Cancel
The Cancellation Confirmation pop up will appear, click on Confirm to proceed
Child’s status will change to Cancelled Registered
The system will generate both credit note - “Refund of Deposit” under the child’s invoices/receipts
The system will also generate a temporary refund document for child’s credit balance
The refund document should be visible in Child’s refund
Note: The system runs a cron job at 5 a.m. the next day after cancellation to generate the CN and refund document
The CN date will be the date of the cron job.