If staff or parent wants to edit a child’s registration before the Principal signs for e-consent:

  1. Go to Child Management

  2. Click Registrations

  3.  Select the child you wish to Edit

  4. If the registration of child is still pending for principal’s e-consent, staff/parent can Edit any details (Application Details, Additional Information)

  5. Once data is modified, click Next

  6. In the Documents stage, a new Registration form will be generated

  7. If staff is doing the modification, click Verify

  8. Check the details and approve the new Registration form

  9. Staff will be redirected to the Consent page and parents and principal signature is needed

  10. Once e-consent is completed, parents/staff  can set up the GIRO account. Parents can input CDA and Non CDA accounts for the child.

  11. Once setup - Finance admin will check and approve/decline this

  12. Once GIRO Setup is done, parent can Proceed to Payment

  13. Parent can choose to pay via cheque or PayNow

  14. Once payment is successful, the child is OFFICIALLY enrolled to centre.