If child to be registered is a son/daughter of an NFC staff, here are the following steps:

  1. Go to Child Management

  2. Click Registrations

  3. Click Create Registration

  4. Enter the details of the child 

  5. Make sure that the Main Applicant’s Email address is not the staff’s email address. If staff will input the staff email address, an error message will appear “This Email ID belongs to a staff member. Please use another email ID to proceed with the Registration”

  6. Make sure the Main Applicant uses a different email address

  7. Once details are completed, click Add button

  8. Note: Once the Add button is clicked, the parent will receive an email notification and SMS to inform them about the new registration of their child. Login credentials to the Parent Portal will be included as well.

  9. As a staff - add necessary Discount (eg. Staff Discount). Click the Discount button in the Registration child profile

  10. Click Add Discount

  11. Select Discount for the child

  12. Once discount is added. Parent OR Staff can proceed to the other parts of registration.

  13. Note: If parents want to continue the registration for their child - they can do so by logging in the parent portal.

  14. If staff will continue, make sure staff has the correct information and documents of the child to avoid mistakes.

  15. Upon completion of information, required documents will be asked. 

  16. Note: If staff is doing this on behalf of the parent, make sure to request for the necessary documents.

  17. Staff to Approve or Decline the documents uploaded. 

  18. Click Preview then click Submit. Once verified, an email notification will be sent to the parent.

  19. Once e-consent is completed, parents/staff  can set up the GIRO account. Parents can input CDA and Non CDA accounts for the child.

  20. Once setup - Finance admin will check and approve/decline this

  21. Once GIRO Setup is done, parent can Proceed to Payment

  22. Parent can choose to pay via cheque or PayNow

  23. Once payment is successful, the child is OFFICIALLY enrolled to centre.